Food and Beverages (food and drink) can be an integral part of a accommodation business and an very relevant source of income.
It can start simply with the breakfast service and a small drink service to support a customer's experience.
But does it justify the charges and the operational effort? It will be worth it for the accommodation enter a certification and licensing route for the food service?
Who is preparing this service? Are there competencies that justify solving this issue by accommodation staff, or should an external service be used, hiring a company to streamline this process?
In the market in which Local Accommodation is inserted, it must be recognized that breakfast is an indispensable factor before considering the remaining meals in accommodation of this nature.
It is then, after breakfast, that any accommodation in this sector starts its restaurant activity.
As such, one must understand and master the requirements required by law in the service of food products.
There is a set of rules, called HACCP, that define the entire analytical structure of the subject and its feasibility as well as its certification.
The control of HACCP is mostly a preventive matter and exceeds a legal requirement.
It is a moral requirement that everyone seeks and as such everyone must provide given the responsibility that is given to you.
HACCP: “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point” or “Hazard Analysis and Critical Point Control”.
It is the set of protocols to be carried out to guarantee the hygiene and wholesomeness of all food products at all stages (culture, production and consumption).
It consists of the introduction of a preventive food security control system:
- Identifies specific hazards and preventive measures for their control at all stages of production;
- It is based on a systematic, documented and verifiable approach.
HACCP remains mandatory for all companies working in this area, however AHRESP has agreed with ASAE a simpler way for micro and small businesses apply HACCP: a CHAC or 4C's methodology.
The CHAC or 4C's methodology was designed by Food Standards Agency (English agency similar to ASAE) to whom AHRESP requested the translation and adaptation rights of the document.
This is how the Food Safety Manual for Catering and Beverages emerges, which is no more than what is usually called the “4C's Manual”.
The CHAC methodology is exactly the same as the 4C's.
4C's is the designation in English and CHAC is the designation in Portuguese.
4C's: Cross-contorninotion, Cleaning, Chilling and Cooking
CHAC: Cross Contamination, Sanitation, Cooling and Confection
Entrepreneurs when applying the CHAC methodology are fully complying with all the principles of the HACCP system referred to in the legislation.
However, only micro and small companies can apply the CHAC methodology. All other companies have to implement HACCP.
If you are thinking of taking this step in your Local Accommodation, with the implementation of breakfasts, check with someone specialized before proceeding with this additional service.
We emphasize that the BA Direto it is just a company dedicated exclusively to sending the data of foreign guests to SEF, providing its customers with an optimized platform to proceed with the sending of Accommodation Bulletins whenever they receive foreign guests, in a direct, simple and secure way.