It is well known that Turismo de Portugal launched the digital platform “Clean & Safe”, Where all the information related to the establishments, services and adhering activities is gathered, where they are located and what hygiene and health safety requirements they have committed to comply with.
The digital platform is available in Portuguese and English.
Tourist rating
One of the primary objectives of creating this platform is also to make it possible to evaluate, by the tourists themselves, the degree of confidence in the performance and compliance with the requirements of the Seal by the Establishments, in an appeal to everyone's responsibility for safer tourism.
The evaluation of customers will be one of the indicators used by Turismo de Portugal for the realization of random surveys adhering companies and services, in conjunction with the competent authorities and associations representing the activities covered.
This evaluation will involve selecting one of these 3 emojis in the establishment's profile.
The meaning of each emoji is as follows:
Green - If you felt confident in meeting the Clean & Safe requirements during your experience
Yellow - If you felt little confidence in meeting Clean & Safe requirements during your experience
Red - If you did not feel confident in meeting the Clean & Safe requirements during your experience
Platform disclosure
Members must make available, in places where they display the Clean & Safe Seal logo, the QR CODE that allows access to the platform
The respective image of the QR CODE it is available here for the purposes of graphic treatment and availability on the premises.
It does not have great image resolution, so it was provided by Turismo de Portugal, but it can be captured with your smartphone's camera and forwards it to the link mentioned above.
The availability of QR CODE together with Clean & Safe seal, in a visible location of the premises, is important in the context of the disclosure of the Portugal Clean & Safe platform and of all companies adhering to the seal.