Turismo de Portugal made available in 2018 the SIGTUR - Geographic Information System for Tourism, a tool that provides georeferenced information of the tourist offer in the national territory, namely, tourist undertakings, local accommodation establishments, golf courses (current and future), marinas and recreational ports (current and future), main surf spots, etc.
The digital platform took 24 months to be made available to the public, but it is mainly aimed at the business area and for those who want to invest in the Tourism sector.
The application allows you to make research on tourism business topics by territorial areas, namely administrative areas, areas of environmental protection, areas recognized by UNESCO, area covered by the National Program for Territorial Cohesion (PNCT) or intervention area of Territorial Programs.
In addition to various types of research (by denomination, geometry or advanced), it also allows estimating the offer of accommodation in tourist developments planned in the long term, by territorial area, based on the information contained in territorial plans, subdivisions, PIN projects or licensing projects in progress.
SIGTUR also provides a battery of indicators calculated from the data of the tourist offer included in the RNT (National Tourism Register), as well as the respective representation in cartograms, related to tourism enterprises, local accommodation, tourist entertainment establishments and agencies travel and tourism.
Pursuing the objective of increasing the dissemination of the country's tourism offer and improving access to information, Turismo de Portugal now launches this work tool to respond to the needs of the main stakeholders in the sector.
SIGTUR is available at https://sigtur.turismodeportugal.pt/
Consult the article that Turismo de Portugal developed that explains in detail how to proceed an effective search, here.
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