The Energy Certificate became mandatory by law, since December 2013, for all buildings, new or old, from the moment they are placed for lease.

What is the Energy Certificate?
The Energy Certificate is a mandatory document that aims to assess the energy efficiency of a property. This effectiveness can vary between “A+”, which represents the highest energy performance and thus greater savings, and “F”, which means that the house is less energy efficient.
Is energy certification mandatory in local accommodation?
According to clarification from the DGEG (Directorate-General for Energy and Geology), if local accommodation establishments refer to buildings or housing units included in the scope of the Energy Certification System for Buildings, provided for in Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August (article 3), will proceed to its normal certification by the provisions of the Regulation on Energy Performance of Housing Buildings (REH), provided for in articles 22 et seq. of the aforementioned legal diploma.
The energy class is determined by several factors, namely, year of construction, location, type of housing: (building or dwelling), area, constitution of walls, roofs and floors and air conditioning equipment.
How to order?
Do a search for qualified experts on the website of ADENE. You should compare the amounts charged and other aspects that are proposed by each professional.
As documentation, you should gather a copy of the property plan, urban land register (through the Finance Portal), housing technical file and property registration certificate at the Conservatory.
The next step is for the professional to visit the property to collect data. Subsequently, the expert will enter the data collected into the National Energy and Indoor Air Quality Certification System in Buildings.
What are the costs?
The costs associated with issuing the energy certificate for residential buildings range from €28 (T0 and T1) to €65 (T6 or higher) with the added cost of VAT. Additionally, you will have to pay for the service provided by the expert authorized by ADENE.
Other legal issues
For residential buildings, the Energy Certificate is valid for 10 years. In addition, it is also mandatory by law to have this document up to date when advertising a property advertisement. The fine varies between 250 euros and 3,740 euros.
To find out more about the general requirements required to open a Local Accommodation read our article