Prior notification with deadline
THE prior communication with deadline is the mandatory procedure for registering local accommodation establishments and must be carried out before they enter into service.
In order to explore a local accommodation establishment, it is compulsory to pre-register this establishment through a prior communication with deadline addressed to the competent Mayor of the City, held electronically in the EPortugal Portal, the new public service portal.
THE prior communication with deadline is carried out exclusively through the Electronic Counter, currently on the ePortugal Portal, which gives each application the registration number of the local accommodation establishment, automatically referring to the Tourism of Portugal, IP.
Attention: Citizens' stores and many municipalities provide personalized assistance to support registration.
Submission of prior communication with deadline is carried out by the holding holders, which grants each application a registration number, at the end of the 10 or 20 days, in the event that there is no opposition by the competent City Council.
After the successful submission of the prior communication with deadline, a document is issued by the Single Electronic Services Desk, containing the registration number of the establishment, which constitutes the valid title of opening to the public and advertising of the establishment.
The offer, availability, publicity and intermediation of unregistered local accommodation establishments or with outdated registrations is not allowed.
At electronic platforms that make available, advertise or market accommodation should be require and display on the platform o registration number in RNAL - National Registry of Local Accommodation.
It's possible Consult the local accommodation establishments registered in the National Registry of Local Accommodation (RNAL), and check your geo-referenced location on the SIGTUR.
If it is not possible to perform the prior communication with deadline due to the unavailability of the electronic platforms, through the Single Electronic Counter, the communication can be made in another digital support or using paper, and a provisional registration number is granted by the competent city council.
Attention: Use this form (Local accommodation - activity log) only in case of unavailability of the electronic form.
Failure to fill in one or more fields of the form, document joining or issuing declarations, once these are mandatory elements, may make it impossible to submit the prior notice with deadline.
Documentation required
THE prior communication with deadline must be submitted with the following documents:
The) Simple copy of identification document of the holder of the holding of the establishment, in the case of the individual, or indication of the access code to permanent certificate of the commercial register, in the case of collective person;
B) Statement of responsibility, subscribed by the operator of the establishment, ensuring the suitability of the building or its autonomous fraction for the provision of accommodation services and that it complies with applicable legal and regulatory standards;
W) Simple copy of urban building permit concerning the property in question, in case the applicant owns the property;
(d) Simple copy of lease agreement or other title that legitimates the holder of the business to the exercise of the activity and, if the lease or other agreement does not contain prior authorization for the provision of accommodation services, a simple copy of the document containing such authorization;
and) Simple copy of declaration of commencement or change of activity of the operator of the establishment for the activity of providing housing services corresponding to section I, subclasses 55201 or 55204 of the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities, Revision 3, approved by Decree-Law No. 381/2007 of 14 November, presented to the Tax and Customs Authority (TA);
f) Minutes of the householders' meeting authorizing the installation in the case of hostels;
g) THE modality of establishment provided for in Article 3 (1) in which the local accommodation activity is to be developed.
'Local accommodation establishments' means those who provide temporary accommodation services for remuneration and who meet the legal requirements.
Local accommodation establishments may be integrated into one of the following modalities:
a) Housing - establishment of local accommodation whose accommodation unit is constituted by an autonomous, single-family building;
b) Apartment - local accommodation establishment whose accommodation unit consists of an autonomous fraction of a building or part of an urban building susceptible of independent use;
c) Accommodation establishments - establishment of local accommodation whose accommodation units consist of rooms. This modality integrates the «Hostel».
d) Rooms - the holding of local accommodation in the holder's residence (corresponding to his fiscal domicile) when the accommodation unit is the fourth and these are not more than three.
You can submit prior communication with deadline, here!
- Law no. 62/2018 of August 22, makes the second amendment to Decree-Law no. 128/2014, of August 29, which approves the legal regime for the operation of local accommodation establishments.
- Decree-Law no. 63/2015 of April 23, proceeds to the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 128/2014, of August 29, which approves the legal regime for the operation of local accommodation establishments.
- Decree-Law No. 128/2014 of 29 August approving the legal regime governing the operation of local accommodation establishments.
The articles that define and clarify this procedure are mostly paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of the abovementioned laws.
This article has been reviewed and approved by SRP & E Sociedade de Advogados, attesting that its content is in accordance with the legal regime in force.
SRP & E is composed of a multidisciplinary team of lawyers who, through the specialization of the services rendered, intends to provide its clients with the best possible follow-up.