When you start a new activity in the Local accommodation, when registering its establishment by means of prior notification with a deadline, it must integrate it in one of the existing procedures.
Well, local accommodation establishments should be integrated into one of the following modalities:
a) Housing;
b) Apartment;
c) Accommodation establishments;
d) Rooms.
You should consider the "Home'If the local accommodation establishment whose accommodation unit is autonomous building, of a single-family character, that is, a place inhabited by a single family.
Consider the modality «Apartment'If the local accommodation establishment whose accommodation unit is autonomous fraction of a building or part of an urban building susceptible to independent use.
You should consider the "Establishment of lodging', If the local accommodation establishment whose accommodation units are rooms, integrated in an autonomous fraction of a building, in an urban building or in a part of an urban building susceptible of independent use.
However, the 'Accommodation'May only use the designation'Hostel', If the housing unit predominant this establishment is the dormitory, that is to say where the capacity of users in a dormitory is greater than the capacity of users in rooms, and if they comply with the other requirements for that purpose.
Per dormitory it is understood, a shared room, rather than an independent room. It consists of a room consisting of a number of minimum of four beds, this number being lower if they are in bunk bed, and that it complies with the other requirements established by law.
Finally, you should consider the modality "bedrooms'If the holding of local accommodation is made in your own residence.
That is, to consider the modality «bedrooms', The housing unit must be in the residence of the holder of the holding, because it must correspond to the tax residence of own.
Being that in this modality, will have a limit of housing units which may not exceed three units.
Where the intention of the holder of the holding is the use of bedrooms of a dwelling or an apartment as accommodation units, which not your own residence, must register the 'Establishment of lodging'.
• Law 62/2018 of August 22, the second amendment to Decree-Law No. 128/2014, of August 29, approving the legal regime governing the operation of local accommodation establishments.
• Decree-Law no. 63/2015 of 23 April, made the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 128/2014, of 29 August, which approves the legal regime governing the operation of local accommodation establishments.
• Decree-Law No. 128/2014 of 29 August approving the legal regime governing the operation of local accommodation establishments.
This article has been reviewed and approved by SRP & E Sociedade de Advogados, attesting that its content is in accordance with the legal regime in force.
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