QUALITY - Qualification and Appreciation of Local Accommodation This is the name of the study that AHRESP developed to help entrepreneurs.
In mid-2017, the AHRESP - Portugal Hotel, Restaurant and Similar Industry Association announced under the QUALITY Program, a study that aims to characterize the establishments, the profiles of entrepreneurs and the search for Local Accommodation in the AML - Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
QUALITY - Qualification and Appreciation of Local Accommodation It is the name of the study that AHRESP developed to help entrepreneurs comply with all the mandatory rules that derive from the law and help implement the constant changes. However, AHRESP's primary objective is to help entrepreneurs solve their problems, qualify and value their business.
The challenge was presented to Marketing FutureCast Lab (ISCTE-IUL), in partnership with Sítios, and its main objective was to analyze the phenomenon of Local Housing in the Lisbon region, in order to identify the most appropriate ways to promote the development of this concept. , making it increasingly competitive in today's tourist landscape.
The objective of this and other studies that are under development always points to the enrichment of information, aiming at a better perception and understanding of Local Housing, not only restricted to AML, but to the whole country.
In this sense, AHRESP will begin the study of characterization of Local Accommodation in the Algarve, thus complementing the analysis and balance of the impact of LA throughout the continental territory.
“After we have characterized the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, the North, Center and Alentejo regions, we will extend the study to the Algarve, a region that has been experiencing a significant increase in these units. According to the RNAL data, at the beginning of the decade there were 2,827 establishments in the Algarve region and currently there are over 30,000, which is equivalent to a growth of about 1000%. Given this phenomenon, it is extremely important to analyze the establishments ”, says Joaquim Ribeiro, Vice-President of AHRESP.
The QUALITY Program is completely free and to access it simply register on the site and start the qualification process. Throughout the process, AHRESP provides technicians who are affectionate to this Program and able to provide you with all the support you may need.
By being qualified as QUALITY, ensures that you comply with all that the law requires, that your offer is distinguished by the quality and good practices it undertakes in the management of your business.
You will be awarded a certificate, as well as access to the platform, with best practice references and customer support materials, permission to use the QUALITY Brand for promotion and dissemination of your own initiatives, and inclusion in a set of benefits. and advantages that the Program will gradually ensure as a means of promoting these establishments.
O QUALITY Program addresses all legal requirements required for the operation of the LA, being updated whenever there are changes that affect its exploitation. This will allow you to verify that you meet all the new requirements and the correct procedures for their implementation. With this program you will be able to verify all the legal obligations of Local Accommodation, from its registration, operation, until its commercialization. It also offers a series of good practices that contribute to the healthy exercise of the activity.
An inquiry will be carried out as part of the QUALITY Program, addressed to more than 30,280 LA units and the information will be collected by completing a questionnaire sent to entrepreneurs registered with the RNAL - National Register of Local Housing Establishments and the City Councils of the region.
The survey analyzes three strands: profile of entrepreneurs, profile of guests and characterization of demand.
The survey is conducted in partnership with ISCTE, Sítios - Services, Information and Tourism and with the support of Turismo de Portugal.
AHRESP launched the QUALITY Program as a way of responding in a timely manner to LA's growth dynamics, guaranteeing the required quality standards and contributing to the national international destination promotion effort Portugal.