Perfect your ads for when you advertise your Local Accommodation on the various booking platforms.
Stand out from the competition and optimize your ads!
Find out how to create an attractive listing for your Accommodation
Competition is great and therefore the need to differentiate yourself from others is enormous.
Here are some things to keep in mind when creating an ad.
Ad description
Take the best of your accommodation and place this feature with some emphasis on the ad title.
Platform browsers have to gain curiosity for their establishment right away.
The description of the ad itself should describe your accommodation well so that guests are not surprised and know what they can count on.
Indicate the added value your home has and don't forget any. The pool, the garden, the terrace. Also talk about the area where you live and what is around you, as well as the attractions that exist in your city.
Accommodation Images
All images are of extreme importance, as it is the first contact that the potential guest will have with your home.
Tidy up the house before taking the pictures and try to be as professional as possible in its execution. If you can't help it, ask a friend or even hire a photography professional. You will see that it will pay off a lot.
Show all parts of the house so that the customer almost feels there.
It is important to select from all images, the best one to be the cover of your ad. This is crucial!
Price framework
Consider the amount charged in your area.
It is logical that your “product” can be much better than the rest of the market, but it is important to know what values are practiced.
Do a quick search before you advertise your accommodation and see how the market is doing.
Always updated occupation (Overbooking)
When using more than one platform, your Accommodation may already be occupied on those dates and as it has not yet been updated, proceed to a new reservation for the same dates.
Don't want that to happen! It is very annoying for customers who thought they found the house for their holidays and will then be notified by you saying that there was an unambiguous.
Differentiation of times
Rates vary depending on the time the lease is made, so make it clear right away.
Mention the price per night, as well as the minimum number of nights required for the stay.
It is also important to make clear the maximum cancellation period.
Keep in mind that the competition is huge, so you should strive to get the best possible ad.